
FlowVR for In Situ Processing

August 2014

Two new publications showing the capabilities of FlowVR for in situ processing:

FlowVR 2.1.0 Release

September 2013

  • MPI support for daemon communication
  • Improved stability, especially during application launch
  • Module pinning on a particular CPU core (see example 'corepref')
The changelog is available here.

FlowVR 2.0.0 Release

April 2013

  • Full transition to a new python library to write the application graph (simpler, faster, less verbose)
  • Reworked documentation, new tutorial
  • Overhaul of flowvrd, particularly memory segments
The changelog is available here.

FlowVR 1.8.0 Release

December 2011

The new major release is here.

In a nutshell:

  • New rendering engine for FlowVR Render (code name Balzac)
  • New shared memory management system (64bit support)
  • Improved doxygen documentation
  • flowvr-glgraph now supports hierarchical graphs visualization (.adl.out.xml)
  • and many more fixes and improvements.

The full changelog can be found here.

ACM Multimedia

October 2010

FlowVR was used in a tele-immersive experiment involving 3 distant cluters at Grenoble, Bordeaux and Orleans.

Teleoperators and Virtual Environments

February 2010

A new paper has been published in the Presence academic journal, relating to Modularity for Large Virtual Reality Applications.

FlowVR 1.7.1 released

January 2010

- Fixed segfault when using ftl::Option interface to use external pointer

- Fixed segfault when cleaning up stamplists in inport port that were given as references

- Enable CTest testing on examples compilation

No changes on APIs, so it is recommended to update your code base to 1.7.1!

FlowVR 1.7 released

December 2009

- A reorganization on flowvr-render has been done : installation, examples...

- The documentation has been improved and cleaned.

- "Events-ports" or "non blocking ports" have been added in flowvr : they ease handle of "events" such as gui messages, or peripherals' events.

- Csv files are better handled

- Most of active tickets and bugs have been resolved

- Our glgraph utility has been ported to QT4 version

- A contrib directory is now provided for developers who want to contribute to flowvr. It contains many useful extensions, scripts and examples.

- A nightly-test platform has been set up, performing compilation tests and publishing results on a cdash accessible here : Every night, the platform check out lastest version from the svn and try to build it on 4 different architectures : ubuntu (8.04 & 8.10, debian testing and MacOS leopard.

- Svn branches management and policies have been improved, you can access a short presentation of the new rules on our wiki : It makes contributions management easier.

International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting

November 2009

A new paper has been published in the International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, relating to "Multicamera Real-Time 3D Modeling for Telepresence and Remote Collaboration"

Siggraph 2009, New Orleans

August 2009

The MOAIS (INRIA-LIG), PERCEPTION (INRIA-LJK), EVASION (INRIA-LJK) teams and the 4DViews company will demo the Grimage platform during 5 days at the Emerging Technology Show, Siggraph 2009, New Orleans. Users will experience a new full-body immersive and interactive environment coupling a head-mounted display and real-time 3D modeling. Of course, FlowVR is the backbone of this high performance interactive application.

On the Siggraph 2009 web site :

Submission video for the Siggraph conference 2009

FlowVR-Suite 1.6 released

April 2009

- FlowVR application description definitively adopts the hierarchical component model (flowvr-app). the Perl based description is still present but deprecated. It will be removed from the next release.

- We provide several high level components encapsulating generic patterns (task parallelism, ccollective communications, greedy samplers, ...) to be resued in your application

- An advanced parameter system enables to make more generic applications. You can now use these parameters to set some values in your application via the command line, or a file, to avoid re-compilation.

- Flowvr and FlowVR Render comes with new examples.

- FlowVR Render better supports CG 2.0 and the texture API has been extended.

- Cmake dependency testing has been improved (require at least cmake 2.6).

- QGLViewer source code is now fully integrated in FlowVR Suite. You do not need to install it manually any more.

- Flowvr-kill utility to force killing a FlowVR application.

- New versions of FlowVR and FlowVR Render.

- A new component called FlowVR-VRPN developped at the Université d'Orléans. It enables to easily uses VRPN supported devices into FlowVR applications.

- VTK-FlowVR is also part of this release, but it received minor attention so far. Still consider it as a proptotype.

Grab this release from the download section.

Grimage presentation

October 2008 - Grimage, the INRIA virtual reality plateform will be presented during two exhibitions this fall.

Grimage demonstration is running FlowVR. FlowVR couples a realtime 3D modelling using EPVH algorithm, a physical simulation provided by SOFA framework and advanced rendering methods on a little PC cluster.

First, Grimage will be presented at ACM VRST 08 conference in Bordeaux (France). In this demonstration, you will be able to experiment telepresence between 2 Grimage-like plateforms. This demonstration is the result of a collaboration between Bordeaux and Grenoble INRIA teams.

Then, Grimage will also be presented at the 'ville européene des sciences', a european general-public scientific exhibition in Paris.

We hope to meet you at one of this exhibitions.

Component model

July 2008 - A new paper about the component model in publication section. This paper will be published soon in a special edition of The Journal of Supercomputing.

FlowVR-Suite 1.5 released

March 2008 - This version contains a stable version of flowvr-app, the C++ application description language.

You can experiment flowvr-app through classic FlowVR examples included in this release. A howto and doxygen documentation are also embedded in flowvr-app source code.

Grab this release from the download section.

February 2008

FlowVR-suite development section is now public. This section is provided by a new trac/SVN server. This section contains :
  • A SVN server with FlowVR-Suite, all project documentations and experimental developments section
  • A wiki containing developers ressources
  • A timeline, roadmap and tickets system showing project activities
Have a look :

January 2008

A new skin for FlowVR website.

August 2007

Back from Siggraph Emerging Technologies. Many people enjoyed the GrImage demo . The FlowVR Suite run flawlessly during the 5 days of the show. FlowVR was used to distribute and coordinate a components on a 9 node PC cluser. FlowVR Render powered the main interaction screen as well as a large Philips 3D screen. The Sofa library was embended into a FlowVR component to provide users with a great markerless interaction exprience.

More materials:

August 2007

A new release of FlowVR is available : the FlowVR Suite 1.4 containing FlowVR 1.4, FlowVR Render 1.1.1 and VTK FlowVR 0.2.1.

This release contains a new library for application description (flowvr-app). This library will replace perl scripts in a future version.

There are also an experimental support for VRPN and improvements related to application execution in multi-cluster (grid) environment.

June 2007

We will present a GrImage demo at SIGGRAPH 2007 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES . FlowVR is everywhere under the hood. See a video in the Gallery section and the paper in the Publications section.

February 2007

A new release of FlowVR is available: the FlowVR Suite 1.3.1 containing FlowVR 1.3.1, FlowVR Render 1.1.1 and VTK FlowVR 0.2.1. It fixes the issues detected with previous release (1.3.0). For instance cmake now checks TCL Wrapping is supported, that perl module XML::DOM is available.

January 2007

A new release of FlowVR is available: the FlowVR Suite 1.3 containing FlowVR 1.3, FlowVR Render 1.1 and VTK FlowVR 0.2.

It includes several very interesting new features: CMake support, flowvr-glgraph, openGL wrapper.

January 2007

We just added a new paper that gives a good overview of the full FlowVR software Suite .

March 2006

The FlowVR team will be present at IEEE VR 2006, Alexandria, USA. We will bring a small cluster and several cameras to demo a real-time 3D modeling and texturing application that makes an intensive use of FlowVR. We will also present a paper and a survey.

FlowVR has its own logo now!

February 2006

The first release of VTK FlowVR, VTK FlowVR 0.1 , is available!

A new release of FlowVR 1.2.2 contains modifications necessary to VTK FlowVR, otherwise no update is needed.

December 2005

The first release of FlowVR Render, FlowVR Render 1.0 , is available!

We are happy to announce the release of FlowVR 1.2.1 . This release contains several important bug fixes and a few optimizations.

October 2005

We are happy to announce the release of FlowVR 1.2 . Two new FlowVR related publications are also available.

Mars 2005

FlowVR 1.1.1 is out.

December 2004

FlowVR 1.1 is out.

June 2004

A paper for Europar 2004 has been released, giving a good overview about the mechanism of FlowVR.

FlowVR 1.0.1 is out.

March 2004

FlowVR 1.0 is out.

FlowVR 1.0 RC 1 is out.

A first (incomplete) FlowVR documentation is available. It is automatically updated as we work on it...

FlowVR 1.0 beta 2 is out.

Decembre 2003

FlowVR is online at sourceforge. This project is lead by the same team that developed {link: Netjuggler and SoftGenLock}.