
Screenshots and videos of FlowVR applications.

Analytics for Molecular Dynamics (2014)

The user can get in its environement a navigable 3D visualization of the molecular system as well as plots of various analysis. Input data can either be extracted in situ from a running (parallel) simulation or read from trajectories stored on disk. Exaviz

ACM Multimedia 2010

A 3D data intensive tele-immersive Grid between Grenoble, Bordeaux and Orleans using FlowVR and FlowVR-Render.

Direct Video access


An immersive version of the GrImage platform, with a 3D helmet, has been presented at the ACM Siggraph 2009. Here is a short presentation video :

Virtualization Gate: Siggraph 2009 Emerging Technologies


A 'remote 3D interaction' version of the GrImage platform has been presented at the 15th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology VRST08. Two portable version of the GrImage platform offering multi-site 3D reconstruction in realtime :

GrImage project at VRST 2008 conference - France3


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Our portable version of the GrImage platform was presented at the SIGGRAPH 2007 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES . The Demo showed multi-camera 3D modeling, physical based simulation with the Sofa library and of course the FlowVR suite used for coupling all the components and performing the rendering. Many people enjoyed playing with the jack-in-the-box demo.


Sreenshot2 We took 4 cameras, 4 small PCs and a laptop to IEEEVR 2006 for setting up a small GrImage like platform. Attendees were able to play with some platic tools or their hand to interact in real time with virtual cubes and balls. FlowVR was used to coordinate all distributed computations from video acquistion, 3D modeling and texturing, to the rigid object simulation. Rendering was performed with Flowvr Render

Real time 3D modeling

Sreenshot2 FlowVR is used for real time 3D modeling and texturing on GrImage . Grimage has a dual gigabit Ethernet network. One is dedicated to move textures.

FlowVR MPlayer

Sreenshot2 Sreenshot2 FlowVR Mplayer enables to play high resolutions videos (here HDTV movie trailers) on GrImage (16 projectors).

VR Application


Video of a demo made on the GrImage platform. The application, developed with FlowVR and FlowVR Render, launches about 200 processes on 54 processors. For details see our IEEE VR 2006 Paper .

VR Application


Video of a demo made on the GrImage platform. With multiples cameras and a PC cluster, the user can be modeled in 3D in real time and be inserted in the virtual environment projected on the display-wall (multi videoprojectors). The user can interact with the environment using any part of his body and carve the cube with natural moves.

Fluid simulation


Screenshot of the fluid application. This application is included in the FlowVR release. This is an interactive fluid simulation using a parallel Navier-Stokes solver and an OpenGL visualization.


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Exemple of FlowVR application graphs. FlowVR comes with 2 different tools to visualized these graphs: flowvr-graph that just computes a static image, and flowvr-glgraph that comes with a full interactive user interface to navigate, zoom, search, zoom, etc. It is a very convenient tool for debugging applications.



FlowVR comes with tools to capture, analyse and visualize application traces. Trace visualization enable to understand the internal behaviour of an application execution. The picture shows a trace visualized with flowvr-gltrace. Horizontal lines represent the module, filter and synchronizers. Oblique lines correspond to messages.



FlowVR is a base component for the GrImage Platform . GrImage has 20 cameras, 16 projectors and 30 dual-processor PCs.

Scientific visualization

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Distributed visualization of huge geoscientific data ( LIFO )

The application relies on FlowVR for cooperation between compute nodes and visualization nodes. In the case of terrain rendering, the modularity of FlowVR eases the addition of various entities to the main environment. Each color represents data processed by a particular compute node (4 in this example).

Haptic application


Haptic device and scientific visualization. The I3D-INRIA team uses FlowVR for coupling the spidar haptic device and the visualization. The visualization is performed with Amira (a Mercury sofware) . RNTL GeoBench project.